Le DVD sortira en Angleterre (et ailleurs ??) le 7 mars !
Il y aura plusieurs versions, DVD simple, double et un coffret rassemblant les 4 films.
DVD features include:
* Additional Scenes
* An interview with Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson
* Cast and Crew Interviews
* Preparing for the Yule Ball featurette
* Triwizard Tournament Challenges (Dragon, Lake and Maze)
* Triwizard Tournament and Voldemort features
* DVD-ROM: Hogwarts Timeline, Magical Trading Cards and Game Demo
désolée, j'ai la flemme de traduire
me tarde

Kiss while your lips are still red - While he`s still silent - Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled - Hold another hand while the hand`s still without a tool - Drown into eyes while they`re still blind love while the night still hides the withering dawn